Answer to job interviews

During the job interview: what to say and how to behave with the interviewer

Initial greeting.

Try to follow certain formalities and leave the hugs for another time. Greet with a firm handshake, looking the interviewer in the eye and waiting for directions. At this point don’t talk too much, let the interviewer take the lead in the situation.

Watch your body language.

Be careful how you sit (with your legs open or crossed, body forward or backward) and how you gesture with your hands when speaking. Body language will tell the interviewer your comfort level and nervousness and confirm that all your words are true. Look the interviewer in the eye, although occasionally you may look away for a few seconds.

Answer whatever they ask you.

Do not avoid questions by giving information that is not necessary and be honest in the interview. Each question has a purpose and if you do not answer it as expected, the interviewer will not be able to gather enough information to make a decision.

Do not make inappropriate interruptions.

It’s normal to be anxious to show all your knowledge, but listen carefully and wait for the interviewer to finish speaking to give your opinion. Don’t just stand there and listen like a plant, initiative is something that is valued in most jobs, so from time to time you can show your leadership in a formal way and at the right time.

Take this opportunity to answer your questions.

If at the end of the interview you are given the opportunity to ask questions, take this time to ask questions. In addition to showing interest in the job, you will also answer any questions you may have about the job or the company. Common sense is essential, don’t ask uncomfortable or unnecessary questions such as about the interviewer’s private life; just stick to the professional sphere.


After the job interview: what you should do next

Send a thank-you note.

Preferably the next day (don’t think about doing it right after you leave the interview) send an email to everyone who conducted your interview to thank them for taking the time to evaluate the possibility of you becoming part of their team of professionals. The mail should be short and accurate and have a friendly, professional tone, and show you what you had to show during the interview. Try to avoid phone calls as many interviewers may see this as a form of pressure or intrusion. You can use our thank you letter templates.

If you follow all these tips on how to prepare for a job interview, you’ll have a much better chance of getting that job you want so badly. If you do succeed in the end, congratulations, you did; if you weren’t the best candidate, don’t worry, there will be other interviews. Analyze what your mistakes might have been so that the next time you have more experience in how to deal with a job interview. With perseverance and effort you will surely achieve what you set out to achieve.

Techniques to get a job

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